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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update | |
0000361 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Combat | public | 2010-04-03 22:06 | 2010-12-28 15:23 | |
Reporter | Malicus | |||||
Assigned To | Toady One | |||||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | sometimes | |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | |||
Platform | OS | OS Version | ||||
Product Version | ||||||
Target Version | Fixed in Version | 0.31.09 | ||||
Summary | 0000361: Cannot get dwarves to use crossbows properly | |||||
Description | I cannot get dwarves who are eqiupped with crossbows and quivers (with bolts in them, assigned for both training and combat) to actually fire their crossbows at enemies. Whenever these dwarves are sent to kill something, they always try to club the enemy with their crossbow, despite having plenty of ammo in their quivers. Similarly, I can almost never get them to practice firing at archery targets -- they have actually done so a few times, but it seems like a fluke, because I can't get them to do it again when this happens. | |||||
Steps To Reproduce | 1) Create a military squad. 2) Assign the dwarf/dwarves in that squad crossbows and ammunition. 3) Order the squad to kill something. | |||||
Tags | arrows/bolts, crossbow | |||||
Attached Files | ||||||
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(0003630) Rafal99 (reporter) 2010-04-14 23:57 |
Same problem here. I have yet to see any of my dwarves fire a single bolt. They have crossbows, quivers and bolts equipped. |
(0003762) Rafal99 (reporter) 2010-04-15 15:22 |
Yay! My marksdwarf fired two stacks of bolts in the archery range! Well, metal bolts that were meant for combat while he had wooden and bone bolts assigned to training... But still it is a step forward. :) |
(0003830) LordDemon (reporter) 2010-04-16 05:33 edited on: 2010-04-16 07:38 |
I haven't managed to get my crossbow dwarfs to practise at all. Some have "Go to Archery Practise" as their job, but they won't move at all untill they get thirsty/hungry/sleepy and quit the job. This happens after I create an archery range our of archery target, and designate it for training for said squad. They also have bolts assigned for training and combat. If I free the said target, the units cancels the job and starts moving immediately. If I create barracks fro manother item, and make the barracks contain archery targets, they train in melee instead. Given the new system of training weapons, is it possible the dwarfs try to switch to (non-existent) training crossbows before use? Could this be reason for the problem? edit: I also realized they won't have quivers,and you can't assign quiver to uniform. Maybe they have problems with holding bolts. |
(0003845) Proteus (reporter) 2010-04-16 07:59 edited on: 2010-04-16 08:14 |
Similar to my situation at the moment... Goblin invasion with a squad of goblin macemen. They are standing around at z=0, separated from my fortress by a moat. My Marksdwarves at z=1 are just 3 tiles away from them, most are equipped with crossbows, quivers and bolts (all designated for combat), all have clear line of sight to the enemy, but nevertheless none of them fires a bolt. If I give individual marksdwarves the order to kill a certain goblin, these dwarves just move into their barracks and (according to the job screen) do individual training (although the squad screen shows that their order is to kill goblin xyz). (which seems to be because I retracted the bridges over the moat...with expanded bridges they try to cross them in order to attack the enemies in melee) On thing I should mention however: The moat is very close to the right edge of the map. In fact there is only one row of land tiles between edge and moat. And the goblins materialised at exatcly this row of tiles (and stand there, not moving [aside from their leader... a goblin pikeman who rode a cave crocodile. The cave crocodile happily entered the moat and swam in it, drowning its rider]). Maybe this might have soemthing to do with it (like marksdwarves not being able to target enemies too close to the edge of the map or the like) |
(0004387) Jiri Petru (reporter) 2010-04-20 16:33 |
Has anyone at all managed to get dwarves to shoot at enemy? |
(0004619) Rafal99 (reporter) 2010-04-22 10:52 |
I only got one dwarf to empty about 3 quivers in the shooting range. After I reformed my military they never shot a single bolt again. |
(0005699) Malicus (reporter) 2010-04-29 13:13 |
I forgot to mention this, but sometime after the report, I saw a hunter fire bolts at one animal... and after that animal was dead, he went around clubbing things with his crossbow again. |
(0006933) LordDemon (reporter) 2010-05-18 03:32 |
I don't see much problem with hunters. If there are bolts assigned for hunting, the hunters seem to use them. They won't always refill before going to hunt though. But my military refuses to practise or use bolts at all, even there are ones assigned for them, to use fo training or combat. |
(0006936) derigo (reporter) 2010-05-18 04:41 |
I think the arsenal dwarf assigns forbidden bolts to be used for ammo, and the hunter gets stuck wanting those bolts. Since there are lots of forbidden bolts lying around from him shooting at stuff, this becomes problematic. Periodically unforbidding all ammo and clicking off and on again my hunters Hunting labor seems to let him hunt. I haven't had any trouble getting my marksdwarves to train, the problem I have is they refuse to shoot at enemies. They always go into clubbing mode. /shrug |
(0007735) LordDemon (reporter) 2010-06-05 15:49 |
I did some testing with 31.05 version. Military dwarfs still won't practise. If I order tehm to station somewhere, they will usually go there, but without quivers and bolts. If I orde rthem to kill someone, they start running around, gathering bolts in quiver. If you are using bone bolts, it can take a lont time as they come in sets of 5. After this, the dwarf seems to head for the kill (I had one goblin trapped on bridge where it couldn't get down. The dwarf didn't shoot though, it might be range issue, but I think range was close. I've seen caravan escorts fire happily with no problems, so I think it is something in the military setup, I'm still thinking it might be because we can't assign quiver as a part of uniform. |
(0008491) Eskarion (reporter) 2010-06-15 04:29 |
I finally saw one of my soldiers firing bolts at the enemy (version 31.06). I'm not sure what caused that, but I think it's because he had hunting labor enabled. Beside that, he had no archery target to practice and he is part of a squad that had no bolts assigned and should choose individual melee weapons. The dwarf in question had chosen a crosbow though I'm not sure if that is the one he arrived with. He also had three stacks of bolts in his quiver, wich were assigned to be used by the hunters. Some more research needs to be done here, maybe its possible to get a workaround for marksdwarfes until the bug is fixed. |
(0008497) Kyle_Solo (reporter) 2010-06-15 06:02 |
Yeah, I've had dwarves both hunt and fight with crossbows, but not very consistently. I think at least part of the problem is caused by other bugs with equipment (my marksdwarf didn't seem to want to grab more ammo after shooting...) After the other equipment bugs are fixed I bet marksdwarves will be too. |
(0008498) Eskarion (reporter) 2010-06-15 06:05 |
The won't-grab-ammo problem may be resolved by disabeling and re-enabeling the hunting labor. It works at least for hunters to restack their ammo. |
(0008763) Coriantumr (reporter) 2010-06-20 05:23 |
I am also experiencing problems with markdwarves. I can perioidcally get them to train at the archery range, but not reliably. Most of the time they get stuck in the food/drink stockpile with "Go to Archery Practice" as their job. As for actually shooting an enemy with their crossbow? Never been able to get them to do that. I've checked their inventory and they have a crossbow, ammunition set for training/combat, and everything else I can think of that they would want. They absolutely insist on clubbing things with the bow though. |
(0008871) keltslash (reporter) 2010-06-21 11:29 |
Don't know if it's helpful, but my marksdwarves refuse to equip quivers. I've seen them go to a stockpile, pick up a quiver, go to the ammo stockpile and drop it, walking away with no ammo. |
(0009294) sphr (reporter) 2010-06-29 03:36 |
Could be related or not... turning on hunting makes them shoot at enemies, but think could be as civilians, as hunting also seems to interfere with the uniform. |
(0009373) Qloos (reporter) 2010-06-30 09:13 |
"I just had a dwarf in active station fire his crossbow on a crundle and kill it. When I took the squad off-duty, the dwarf returned to his profession- a hunter. I don't have time to test this now, but could it be possible that marksdwarfs will actually fire in combat if they have the hunting labor enabled? (Also, military and hunting dwarves were, I believe, set to use the same ammo.) Some of you may want to help test this- I won't be able to get back to it until lunchtime." |
(0009717) Toady One (administrator) 2010-07-07 06:40 |
There was some bizarre thing going on with skills and professions and weapon types that looked like it was just typed at random. Not sure what it was there for, but it's gone now, and the goat died from afar. There are still lots of equipment/training issues, but this particular non-firing issue is handled for 0.31.09. |
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Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2010-04-03 22:06 | Malicus | New Issue | |
2010-04-14 23:57 | Rafal99 | Note Added: 0003630 | |
2010-04-15 00:28 | Rafal99 | Issue Monitored: Rafal99 | |
2010-04-15 09:34 | Jinalealia | Issue Monitored: Jinalealia | |
2010-04-15 15:22 | Rafal99 | Note Added: 0003762 | |
2010-04-15 15:23 | Rafal99 | Tag Attached: crossbow | |
2010-04-15 15:24 | Rafal99 | Tag Attached: arrows/bolts | |
2010-04-16 05:33 | LordDemon | Note Added: 0003830 | |
2010-04-16 07:38 | LordDemon | Note Edited: 0003830 | View Revisions |
2010-04-16 07:59 | Proteus | Note Added: 0003845 | |
2010-04-16 08:00 | Proteus | Note Edited: 0003845 | View Revisions |
2010-04-16 08:05 | Proteus | Note Edited: 0003845 | View Revisions |
2010-04-16 08:13 | Proteus | Note Edited: 0003845 | View Revisions |
2010-04-16 08:14 | Proteus | Note Edited: 0003845 | View Revisions |
2010-04-19 09:03 | Kuraudo | Issue Monitored: Kuraudo | |
2010-04-20 16:33 | Jiri Petru | Note Added: 0004387 | |
2010-04-20 16:33 | Jiri Petru | Issue Monitored: Jiri Petru | |
2010-04-22 10:52 | Rafal99 | Note Added: 0004619 | |
2010-04-29 11:35 | ra2phoenix | Issue Monitored: ra2phoenix | |
2010-04-29 11:45 | Anydwarf | Issue Monitored: Anydwarf | |
2010-04-29 13:13 | Malicus | Note Added: 0005699 | |
2010-05-18 03:32 | LordDemon | Note Added: 0006933 | |
2010-05-18 04:41 | derigo | Note Added: 0006936 | |
2010-06-05 15:49 | LordDemon | Note Added: 0007735 | |
2010-06-06 09:41 | drisher | Issue Monitored: drisher | |
2010-06-08 15:28 | lucasup | Issue Monitored: lucasup | |
2010-06-15 04:29 | Eskarion | Note Added: 0008491 | |
2010-06-15 06:00 | Conti | Issue Monitored: Conti | |
2010-06-15 06:02 | Kyle_Solo | Note Added: 0008497 | |
2010-06-15 06:05 | Eskarion | Note Added: 0008498 | |
2010-06-15 06:52 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | child of 0000535 |
2010-06-15 06:52 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | related to 0000076 |
2010-06-20 05:23 | Coriantumr | Note Added: 0008763 | |
2010-06-20 11:02 | moosecow | Issue Monitored: moosecow | |
2010-06-21 11:29 | keltslash | Note Added: 0008871 | |
2010-06-25 15:53 | sphr | Issue Monitored: sphr | |
2010-06-29 03:36 | sphr | Note Added: 0009294 | |
2010-06-29 05:03 | kwieland | Issue Monitored: kwieland | |
2010-06-30 09:13 | Qloos | Note Added: 0009373 | |
2010-07-05 07:05 | xrogaan | Issue Monitored: xrogaan | |
2010-07-07 00:15 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | has duplicate 0002580 |
2010-07-07 06:40 | Toady One | Note Added: 0009717 | |
2010-07-07 06:40 | Toady One | Status | new => resolved |
2010-07-07 06:40 | Toady One | Fixed in Version | => 0.31.09 |
2010-07-07 06:40 | Toady One | Resolution | open => fixed |
2010-07-07 06:40 | Toady One | Assigned To | => Toady One |
2010-07-07 07:53 | Conti | Issue End Monitor: Conti | |
2010-07-13 07:29 | kwieland | Issue End Monitor: kwieland | |
2010-07-13 11:05 | Rafal99 | Issue End Monitor: Rafal99 | |
2010-07-24 21:45 | lucasup | Issue End Monitor: lucasup | |
2010-08-05 19:55 | ra2phoenix | Issue End Monitor: ra2phoenix | |
2010-12-28 15:23 | Jinalealia | Issue End Monitor: Jinalealia |
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