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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0004377Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Militarypublic2011-03-28 12:162012-02-21 07:54
Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version7
Product Version0.31.25 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0004377: Marksdwarves that are forced prone (e.g. by another creature walking over them) don't get up until their quiver is empty
DescriptionNot sure what caused it, but he's in the archery practise, shooting bolts while on the ground. This causes him to shoot the bolts incredibly slowly.
Steps To ReproduceNot sure.
Additional InformationWill upload save if this is not a duplicate
Tagsarchery, on the ground, practise, prone, slow
Attached Files

- Relationships
related to 0001374new If squad is assigned multiple ammo types, dwarves with "individual choice ranged" carry wrong ammo, and other ammo bugs 

-  Notes
Footkerchief (manager)
2011-03-28 13:43

Does he have any injuries that prevent him from using his legs, like missing legs or nerve/spinal damage? If not, please upload your save to [^]
DarthCloakedDwarf (reporter)
2011-03-28 17:21

He's using a crossbow, you can shoot a crossbow from a prone position.
Orkel2 (reporter)
2011-03-29 05:27

@Footkerchief, no, he's perfectly healthy. It fixes itself (he gets up) after the archery practise is over, and hasn't happened again, as visible in the save: [^]
Footkerchief (manager)
2011-03-29 07:27

Does the save reproduce the problem at all?
Granite26 (reporter)
2011-03-29 07:41

Is it possible he got stood on and didn't stand up till after that 'session' finished? Mining acts the same way, I believe.
Orkel2 (reporter)
2011-03-29 09:09
edited on: 2011-03-29 09:09

Footkerchief, nope hasn't happened again so far but the save has him doing the practise while prone.

Granite, no idea, but seems plausible.

Orkel2 (reporter)
2011-04-08 09:38

I think I found out the reason. Happened just now in a siege.

The pet cavy boar of my marksdwarf walked over him while he was firing arrows at invaders, and it caused the marksdwarf to go prone and not get up again until his quiver was empty.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-03-28 12:16 Orkel2 New Issue
2011-03-28 12:16 Orkel2 Tag Attached: archery
2011-03-28 12:16 Orkel2 Tag Attached: on the ground
2011-03-28 12:16 Orkel2 Tag Attached: practise
2011-03-28 12:16 Orkel2 Tag Attached: prone
2011-03-28 12:16 Orkel2 Tag Attached: slow
2011-03-28 13:43 Footkerchief Note Added: 0016733
2011-03-28 13:43 Footkerchief Tag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2011-03-28 17:21 DarthCloakedDwarf Note Added: 0016745
2011-03-29 05:27 Orkel2 Note Added: 0016755
2011-03-29 07:27 Footkerchief Note Added: 0016758
2011-03-29 07:27 Footkerchief Tag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE
2011-03-29 07:28 Footkerchief Summary Dwarf does archery practise while prone. => Dwarf does archery practice while prone
2011-03-29 07:41 Granite26 Note Added: 0016760
2011-03-29 09:09 Orkel2 Note Added: 0016764
2011-03-29 09:09 Orkel2 Note Edited: 0016764 View Revisions
2011-04-08 09:38 Orkel2 Note Added: 0017199
2012-02-21 07:29 Footkerchief Summary Dwarf does archery practice while prone => Marksdwarves that are forced prone (e.g. by another creature walking over them) don't get up until their quiver is empty
2012-02-21 07:54 Footkerchief Relationship added related to 0001374

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