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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0008592Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Combatpublic2014-11-29 03:052015-12-01 18:20
Assigned ToFootkerchief 
StatusresolvedResolutionunable to reproduce 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version7 x64
Product Version0.40.19 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0008592: Enemies 'teleport' through walls and fortifications
DescriptionDuring sieges enemy combatants sometimes appear inside my fort, despite it being surrounded by a moat and at least 1 Z level of walls (note: NOT fortifications but solid walls).

This has happened on two different sieges so far with multiple goblins and most recently a troll. The goblins came through fortifications despite them being 2 Z levels higher than the goblins. I assumed fortifications were maybe bugged so I removed them and replaced with walls. However in the most recent siege a troll appeared inside my walls from a group that were on the other side of a solid wall and 4-tile wide moat.

There are no possible routes in with the bridges raised, unless tree climbing counts (this wouldn't explain the earlier incident with the fortifications though as there were no trees nearby).
Steps To ReproduceWait for a siege. The actual circumstances for an enemy to teleport appear random though.
Additional InformationAfter searching it seems superficially similar to 0007444 but I don't believe any charging is involved.

Using vanilla LNP with DFhack bugfixes; no mods.
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-  Notes
smjjames (reporter)
2014-11-29 08:09

Could you upload a save and have you actually observed them teleporting? You haven't ruled out them climbing down the moat (if it's a dry moat) and then climbing the walls.
MrC (reporter)
2014-11-30 05:56

I had magma crabs do this to me through a stairwell that was close to the magma sea. This is a frustrating bug.
corvynem (reporter)
2014-11-30 09:54
edited on: 2014-11-30 10:00

@MrC: yes it is :)

@smjjames: I've uploaded a save that's during the siege where I got the teleporting troll, but after that incident. I can't guarantee it'll happen again. Open at your peril, the FPS is awful :) [^]

The moat isn't dry but I can't completely rule out climbing because trolls can path through water. It just didn't feel like climbing though - I was watching carefully at the time thanks to the earlier 'teleporting-up-2-Z-levels-and-through-fortifications' goblins I experienced, and it looked like it disappeared from the other side of the moat and reappeared in the fortress. I've abandoned this game until the buggy combat is fixed. I could cope with the odd teleporting/climbing monster _if_ my military dwarfs would actually attack the damn thing instead of just watching it slaughter my farm animals (see [^] etc).

Footkerchief (manager)
2014-12-27 19:21

Unfortunately, we need a save that shows it happening. If climbing can't be ruled out, the bug can't be confirmed.
Footkerchief (manager)
2015-01-11 07:52

Resolving as per my earlier note.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-11-29 03:05 corvynem New Issue
2014-11-29 08:09 smjjames Note Added: 0031220
2014-11-30 05:56 MrC Note Added: 0031230
2014-11-30 09:25 corvynem Issue Monitored: corvynem
2014-11-30 09:25 corvynem Issue End Monitor: corvynem
2014-11-30 09:54 corvynem Note Added: 0031233
2014-11-30 10:00 corvynem Note Edited: 0031233 View Revisions
2014-12-27 15:51 C27 Issue Monitored: C27
2014-12-27 19:21 Footkerchief Note Added: 0031525
2014-12-27 19:21 Footkerchief Assigned To => Footkerchief
2014-12-27 19:21 Footkerchief Status new => needs feedback
2015-01-11 07:52 Footkerchief Note Added: 0031885
2015-01-11 07:52 Footkerchief Status needs feedback => resolved
2015-01-11 07:52 Footkerchief Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2015-12-01 18:20 C27 Issue End Monitor: C27

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