1: Remacaretha, "Siltysewer", a cave 1 cyclops 6 giant bats 10 naked mole dogs 9 giant cave swallows 13 giant moles 8 giant rats 17 antmen 258 cave spiders 329 purring maggots 2: Lulƒrkor, "Rootcaverns", a cave 1 giant 8 giant moles 6 giant rats 6 cave swallowmen 5 giant cave swallows 7 batmen 432 cave spiders 488 purring maggots 3: Eribnuglush Žsrath†m, "Gorgegutter the Occult Yawn", a cave 1 titan 5 large rats 8 troglodytes 1 giant cave spider 11 batmen 285 purring maggots 386 bats 4: Celecona Sivati˜ipo, "Brightnessholes the Passionate Tactics", a cave 1 dragon 7 troglodytes 3 large rats 403 cave spiders 476 bats 319 purring maggots 5: Dakrusmo Akuon, "Paddleechoed the High Gutters", a cave 1 giant 5 antmen 2 giant rats 5 ratmen 372 bats 487 cave spiders 6: Uthrauta, "The Sculpted Pits", a cave 1 dragon 13 giant moles 363 purring maggots 353 bats 7: Dathameli, "The Ageless Murk", a cave 1 ettin 4 giant bats 3 large rats 5 giant rats 296 purring maggots 8: Sl”mod Ak, "The Pit of Oozes", a cave 1 ettin 7 troglodytes 4 giant rats 1 giant cave spider 460 bats 305 purring maggots 453 cave spiders 9: Gadocusan, "Waspheart", a cave 1 ettin 5 antmen 328 bats 436 cave spiders 10: Lururusmo Slexuaspƒd, "Romanceechoes the Suicidal Cavern", a cave 1 titan 7 ratmen 362 bats 298 purring maggots 487 cave spiders 11: Amudnuglush, "Thunderedgutters", a cave 1 cyclops 7 giant bats 371 bats 435 cave spiders 12: D”stangogngo Uk”–n, "Noblemines the Tempted Courtesies", a cave 1 dragon 7 large rats 374 bats 322 cave spiders 13: Kor Selor, "The Cavern of Rites", a cave 1 dragon 7 giant moles 454 purring maggots 446 bats 14: ˜ariwicŠthutha, "Womenmines", a cave 1 titan 5 ratmen 312 bats 15: Sodor Zesmstum, "The Deeps of Dusk", a cave 1 giant 5 naked mole dogs 336 cave spiders 332 purring maggots 318 bats 16: Nˆcikamas, "The Singed Depth", a cave 1 cyclops 6 troglodytes 417 bats 305 cave spiders 17: Fisonun•re ¡la Lasi, "Veilcaverns the Sadnesses of Extrication", a cave 1 giant 5 antmen 313 bats 254 purring maggots 18: Pestratoxut Kehesasmcith, "Riddledshafts the Slitted Gutters", a cave 1 dragon 7 antmen 304 bats 263 purring maggots 19: Astans rek, "The Flecked Echo", a cave Owner: Dobochralmis, kobolds Parent Civ: Dlodolotleelus, kobolds Leader: Fateersnis, kobold 96 kobolds 20: Tulogozru Eloxud, "Dredgehell the Radiant Slit", a cave 2 cyclopes 7 antmen 272 purring maggots 439 cave spiders 21: CanenecŠthutha Caretha Timi, "Polishedmine the Sewer of Scratches", a cave 1 minotaur 5 ratmen 368 bats 385 cave spiders 368 purring maggots 22: Usnosspos, "Eelabyss", a cave Owner: Chlimis, kobolds Parent Civ: Chulgis, kobolds Leader: Gaylmus, kobold 72 kobolds 23: Thithuomethu Lith‚me Mima, "Snarlhollow the Night of Coloring", a cave Owner: Tokin, kobolds Parent Civ: Srurin, kobolds Leader: Bruthaydis, kobold 96 kobolds 24: Defelkulur Posak, "Jaundicenight the Spread Twig", a cave Owner: Grubufudirus, kobolds Parent Civ: Slaymin, kobolds Leader: Srudulustlaylus, kobold 40 kobolds 25: Slupibora Ulosiga, "Licemined the Entrancing Depths", a cave 2 giants 6 giant moles 451 bats 331 purring maggots 443 cave spiders 26: Ngosnudon, "Killergutter", a cave 1 ettin 9 large rats 17 cave swallowmen 11 ratmen 12 giant rats 11 giant moles 309 bats 420 purring maggots 27: Zospu Spƒb, "The Umbra of Authority", a cave 1 giant 18 troglodytes 12 giant rats 21 giant moles 14 naked mole dogs 313 bats 260 cave spiders 28: Monombasimo, "The Holy River-Echo", a cave 6 giants 9 giant moles 5 large rats 5 giant bats 6 antmen 453 purring maggots 321 bats 29: Sporrosasmcith, "Rainedgutters", a cave 1 cyclops 9 naked mole dogs 6 ratmen 12 giant moles 7 antmen 361 bats 478 cave spiders 30: Usu Sagam, "The Hollow of Creeps", a cave 3 cyclopes 4 giant rats 8 giant moles 6 naked mole dogs 4 large rats 7 cave swallowmen 444 bats 31: Demashoneth Kemsanethrez, "Touchhell the Pure Labyrinth", a cave 4 cyclopes 6 antmen 6 troglodytes 6 giant moles 8 ratmen 313 bats 32: Pidudkul Zomuth Osel, "Attichole the Barb of Devils", a cave 5 giants 8 troglodytes 6 antmen 7 ratmen 3 giant bats 5 giant rats 479 cave spiders 456 purring maggots 33: Fensast  wlist, "The Scar of Palisades", a cave 1 ettin 5 giant moles 6 troglodytes 303 purring maggots 380 bats 34: Slakgaloz, "Flamescar", a cave 1 minotaur 4 large rats 7 giant cave swallows 351 bats 300 purring maggots 35: Ecefeobi, "Drillshadows", a cave 1 cyclops 5 naked mole dogs 5 troglodytes 410 bats 280 cave spiders 36: Shedim Avan, "The Shadow of Lyrics", a cave 6 giants 5 giant rats 8 naked mole dogs 290 bats 37: Gethugosh, "Pasthollow", a cave 2 cyclopes 5 antmen 5 giant cave swallows 390 purring maggots 414 bats 38: Bubnusugosh, "Scourhollow", a cave 1 cyclops 9 troglodytes 3 giant bats 289 purring maggots 396 cave spiders 39: Dip¡cŠthutha, "The Scorching Mines", a cave 2 cyclopes 8 troglodytes 4 giant rats 393 cave spiders 374 bats 40: Goslolesnust, "The Primitive Hollow", a cave 5 giants 6 large rats 7 cave swallowmen 414 bats 41: Tormukngogngo Tunebr†, "Lordmines the Meandering Murk", a cave 1 minotaur 4 giant bats 10 ratmen 399 cave spiders 266 purring maggots 42: Lunumom, "Clouddark", a cave 1 minotaur 7 antmen 4 large rats 260 bats 43: Belrokshoneth, "Scorchinghell", a cave 1 cyclops 4 giant cave swallows 440 bats 44: Duradkor Zulashzanor, "Beardcaverns the Painful Heart", a cave 1 ettin 6 ratmen 451 bats 45: Usan Rorkek, "The Heart of Sneaking", a cave 1 minotaur 5 antmen 287 cave spiders 287 purring maggots 46: Letham‚fa˜o Lulorifafa, "Worryhells the Oaken Glade", a cave 4 giants 5 naked mole dogs 260 bats 427 purring maggots 365 cave spiders 47: Xamasl”mod, "Chillpit", a cave 2 giants 7 giant moles 310 purring maggots 445 bats 48: Simo Ases, "The Echoes of Danger", a cave 1 ettin 7 large rats 391 cave spiders 323 bats 49: Enira Nelare, "The Heart of Silver", a cave 1 minotaur 7 large rats 300 bats 423 purring maggots 332 cave spiders 50: Okumanu, "Singnight", a cave 4 cyclopes 6 gremlins 346 cave spiders 337 purring maggots 418 bats 51: Rithesacona, "Wickedhole", a cave 1 minotaur 6 cave swallowmen 1 giant cave spider 414 purring maggots 424 cave spiders 289 bats 52: Snumn”oxxo Mosl”rusmo, "Scorchingsewers the Bloated Echo", a cave 6 giants 6 troglodytes 470 bats 351 cave spiders 53: Lezosanu, "The Lonely Night", a cave 1 ettin 5 ratmen 396 cave spiders 405 bats 54: Anan Maskir, "The Night of Equivalence", a cave 1 cyclops 7 giant rats 368 purring maggots 368 bats 55: Dotosimo, "Mirrorecho", a cave 6 giants 6 giant bats 432 bats 381 cave spiders 56: ‹dathgor, "The Amusing Pits", a cave 1 minotaur 4 giant moles 329 bats 439 cave spiders 57: Atoosmat, "Swimheart", a cave 1 ettin 5 ratmen 318 cave spiders 273 purring maggots 58: Gipestpuwog, "Feastgloomy", a cave 4 cyclopes 5 antmen 2 giant bats 388 purring maggots 410 bats 457 cave spiders 59: Tec…knun—r Gusgashsosmilthol, "Sweetcrevice the Stoked Louse-Deeps", a cave 1 ettin 7 giant moles 476 bats 335 purring maggots 60: Fisonimo Ethoraca Le˜a, "Veiledpits the Untamed Cuts of Justice", a cave 3 giants 5 antmen 433 bats 428 cave spiders 61: Xusmasmngogngo, "Flightmine", a cave 1 minotaur 7 giant bats 268 bats 62: Epokul Siga Orid, "Sealhole the Depth of Universes", a cave 3 cyclopes 7 giant rats 320 purring maggots 314 bats 63: Ohegalka, "Balldeeps", a cave 5 giants 2 large rats 4 giant moles 472 cave spiders 412 purring maggots 64: Petharoxut Kithpa Guki, "Brashshaft the Weevil of Biting", a cave 3 cyclopes 6 troglodytes 264 bats 65: Dadusl”mod Ngosto Udu, "Glitteredpits the Void of Will", a cave 1 minotaur 7 giant rats 429 purring maggots 270 bats 66: Stutomloz, "Splitscars", a cave 1 ettin 6 antmen 396 bats 464 cave spiders 67: Ayanu Enotho, "The Abyss of Requirements", a cave 1 giant 5 giant cave swallows 311 bats 324 purring maggots 68: Innahfensast, "Channeledscar", a cave 1 ettin 7 troglodytes 494 cave spiders 333 bats 371 purring maggots 69: Milafeiquila Nimo Inithi, "Robustumbra the Pits of Shearing", a cave 1 giant 5 giant rats 322 bats 70: Gabefubag, "Sweatsewers", a cave 2 cyclopes 5 troglodytes 474 cave spiders 255 bats 71: Zospu Tosm, "The Umbra of Hurricanes", a cave 1 minotaur 6 naked mole dogs 361 bats 298 purring maggots 381 cave spiders 72: Eym‚fa˜o Wivecuthabe, "Spikeshell the Gory Depth", a cave 1 cyclops 6 ratmen 390 bats 398 cave spiders 73: Ziksisurr‹th, "Splitscars", a cave 1 ettin 5 giant rats 466 purring maggots 398 bats 74: Lapipbora, "Dimplemined", a cave 4 giants 7 large rats 260 purring maggots 451 bats 75: Ebbakuta Genpud Ciro, "Brandpit the Leak of Sliding", a cave 1 cyclops 7 giant rats 372 purring maggots 448 bats 76: Anamerush, "Ageshandles", a mountain fortress 77: Smunstustƒsost, "Lietick", a dark fortress Owner: The Lined Poison, goblins Parent Civ: The Ruthless Witch, goblins Leader: Bosa Pleatedevils, goblin 113 goblins 1 demon 78: Etospngom, "Siegeddooms", a dark fortress Owner: The Praised Plagues, goblins Parent Civ: The Tangled Immorality, goblins Leader: Mato Seasondemons, goblin 111 goblins 1 demon 79: Al†thdesor, "Boltentranced", a mountain fortress Owner: The Persuasive Hatchet, dwarves Parent Civ: The Defended Gear, dwarves Leader: Tekkud Rightsbodice, dwarf 66 dwarves 80: Bamngunako, "Untowardtorment", a dark fortress Owner: The Monstrous Malice, goblins Parent Civ: The Dungeon of Midnight, goblins Leader: Nguslu Fiendtours, goblin 83 goblins 18 dwarves 1 demon 81: Libashlun, "Axeclouds", a mountain fortress Owner: The Stake of Autonomy, dwarves Parent Civ: The Safe Craft, dwarves Leader: Athel Tongscovens, dwarf 112 dwarves 82: Ngomostosp, "Doomrooter", a dark fortress Owner: The Curse of Utterances, goblins Parent Civ: The Fly of Curling, goblins Leader: Dostngosp Doomrubs, goblin 3 goblins 83: Aruraspuz, "Appearedincest", a dark fortress Owner: The Tired Cruelties, goblins Parent Civ: The Ace Fiend, goblins Leader: Utes Worryblack, goblin 105 goblins 1 demon 84: Ugokomosp, "Rainyvile", a dark fortress Owner: The Terrors of Stopping, goblins Parent Civ: The Ace Fiend, goblins Leader: Amxu Doomdent, goblin 91 goblins 85: Ostaestu, "Witchpaints", a dark fortress Owner: The Worshipful Seduction, goblins Parent Civ: The Ace Fiend, goblins Leader: Smunstu Tickcudgels, goblin 69 goblins 86: K–bukadil, "Lancedwalled", a mountain fortress Owner: The Anvil of Alchemy, dwarves Parent Civ: The Safe Craft, dwarves Leader: Udib Tongsrhythmic, dwarf 76 dwarves 87: Smunstustrurku, "Liehumor", a dark fortress Owner: The Midnight of Skunks, goblins Parent Civ: The Ruthless Witch, goblins Leader: Stosb–b Singecruel, goblin 89 goblins 88: Uveleral, "Bearvessel", a mountain fortress 89: Kutsmobonu, "Menacedbog", a dark fortress Owner: The Terror of Freckles, goblins Parent Civ: The Ruthless Witch, goblins Leader: Bosa Evilsaves, goblin 91 goblins 90: Amxumam, "Seducedistant", a dark fortress Owner: The Unwelcome Fly, goblins Parent Civ: The Dungeon of Midnight, goblins Leader: Song Hexmystery, goblin 72 dwarves 25 goblins 91: Ulingoslan, "Crazedwound", a mountain fortress Owner: The Revered Mirrors, dwarves Parent Civ: The Safe Craft, dwarves Leader: ZuntŒr Actflag, dwarf 49 dwarves 92: Smungrasngom, "Morningdoomed", a dark fortress Owner: The Worshipful Barbarity, goblins Parent Civ: The Tangled Immorality, goblins Leader: Zolak Terrorslither, goblin 84 goblins 93: Ngebzoongno, "Dreadfulruler", a dark fortress Owner: The Scourge of Islands, goblins Parent Civ: The Dungeon of Midnight, goblins Leader: Strodno Lullcruelty, dwarf 93 dwarves 10 goblins 94: Zoslastƒsost, "Prisonticks", a dark fortress Owner: The Doom of Fortresses, goblins Parent Civ: The Ace Fiend, goblins Leader: Nako Priceghouls, goblin 102 goblins 95: G“gustkutsmob, "Lulledmenace", a dark fortress Owner: The Seducer of Distrust, goblins Parent Civ: The Dungeon of Midnight, goblins Leader: Nako Grubwraiths, dwarf 45 dwarves 22 goblins 96: Strurkuuksos, "Humorstolen", a dark fortress Owner: The Demon of Locks, goblins Parent Civ: The Dungeon of Midnight, goblins Leader: Bosa Devilbelted, goblin 69 dwarves 31 goblins 97: Dostngospsmoxspu, "Cruelsecret", a dark fortress Owner: The Torments of Crushing, goblins Parent Civ: The Dungeon of Midnight, goblins Leader: Ngerxung Sinfulquake, dwarf 27 dwarves 20 goblins 98: Ng–louksos, "Inksteals", a dark fortress Owner: The Harsh Wraith, goblins Parent Civ: The Dungeon of Midnight, goblins Leader: Utes Ruinterrors, dwarf 70 dwarves 6 goblins 99: Uksoskugme, "Stealbases", a dark fortress Owner: The Demon of Blazing, goblins Parent Civ: The Dungeon of Midnight, goblins Leader: Gozru Malicetrumpets, dwarf 29 dwarves 25 goblins Outdoor Animal Populations (Including Undead) 141385 sasquatches 3779 giant eagles 93831 mountain goats 86052 hoary marmots 214141 muskoxen 37402 polar bears 157581 wolves 310567 elk 1053 mountain gnomes 6434358 two-legged rhino lizards 10793623 acorn flies 3333433 moghoppers 10821494 flies 4751255 dragonflies 4554934 turtles 4756645 toads 407895 pixies 59076 fluffy wamblers 22603 fairies