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Summary 0001288: [SPOILERS] creature leaves trail of secreted fluid underwater
Revision 2010-04-18 10:38 by Footkerchief
Description Previous summary: "Cave blobs are not water soluble."

I've been exploring the caverns around my fort, and I spotted something odd, a massive yellow smear across a lake that happens to be on the map edge. I check, and it is a trail of 'pool of cave blob fluid' along the bottom of the lake, presumably from where the blobs spawned onto the map underwater and made their way onto dry land. It's been there for over a year now and shows no signs of vanishing.
Revision 2010-04-18 04:14 by Footkerchief
Description I've been exploring the caverns around my fort, and I spotted something odd, a massive yellow smear across a lake that happens to be on the map edge. I check, and it is a trail of 'pool of cave blob fluid' along the bottom of the lake, presumably from where the blobs spawned onto the map underwater and made their way onto dry land. It's been there for over a year now and shows no signs of vanishing.

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