Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0010328Dwarf FortressWorld Generation -- Generalpublic2017-11-16 04:092017-11-16 13:32
0010328: DEFAULT_TYPE:DARK_FORTRESS causes worldgen crashes when any position has CHAT_WORTHY
DEFAULT_TYPE:DARK_FORTRESS causes worldgen crashes when any position has CHAT_WORTHY.
Give goblins dwarven nobility, the game will crash at the end of placing civilizations in worldgen.
Testing was done thusly:

(CRASH) Added in noble positions from dwarves.
(CRASH) When removed the landholder positions, but leaving in some CHAT_WORTHY ones.
(WORKS) When removed all chat worthy positions completely.
(WORKS) When all nobles are removed from goblins and VARIABLE_POSITIONS etc is added to dwarves (ensuring that it is not a matter of this causing the crash).
(WORKS) When dwarven nobles are added to goblins with CHAT_WORTHY removed but variable positions are still on.
(WORKS) When the variable positions are completely removed from goblins from 5 above.

This tells me that the CHAT_WORTHY is definitely causing the crash, not the inclusion of other positions. However, CHAT_WORTHY is the only thing that causes the position to be tracked in world gen, meaning that any positions without it are only created at the end of worldgen.

However, what is to be noted is that even after variable positions are removed, the demons still create their own positions when they rule the goblin civ.
0.43.05, position, positions, world gen, world generation
duplicate of 0006941resolved Toady One DEFAULT_TYPE:DARK_FORTRESS incompatible with some POSITION tokens (modding) 
Issue History
2017-11-16 04:09MachinaMandalaNew Issue
2017-11-16 04:10MachinaMandalaTag Attached: 0.43.05
2017-11-16 04:10MachinaMandalaTag Attached: position
2017-11-16 04:10MachinaMandalaTag Attached: positions
2017-11-16 04:10MachinaMandalaTag Attached: world gen
2017-11-16 04:10MachinaMandalaTag Attached: world generation
2017-11-16 13:32LociRelationship addedduplicate of 0006941
2017-11-16 13:32LociStatusnew => resolved
2017-11-16 13:32LociResolutionopen => duplicate
2017-11-16 13:32LociAssigned To => Loci

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