Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0010530Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Raidspublic2018-01-16 07:112018-10-07 14:30
normalmajorhave not tried
0010530: Mission Reports reveal Spies and Vampires
While playing in "easy" mode (using Dwarf Therapist), I noticed that two names at different times weren't present in my fort. The first happened under version 44.01 after a baby discovered their mother dead in the same bed as them. I found out a vampire was literally 4 steps away in my communal bedroom. Is there a Legendary Blood Sucking Vampire skill? I digress...

So, not wanting to deal with him, I started sending him on missions. The mission reports now say "The vampire dwarf Bembol Solongoth...." -- but nobody in the fort knows he's a vampire.

A few in-game years later, a legendary Axman migrated in. I looked up the skill in DT and got the name to add to my brawler's squad. Couldn't find the dwarf (i'm in easy mode). Realized he's under a pseudonym, eventually went back to DT and assigned him to a squad. The names didn't match. I sent him out a mission to recovery my aforementioned Vampire Dwarf. The first time he came back with a book. The second time he came back with another book. Both mission reports used the name from DT instead of the name he has listed in my fort.

Clearly DT has a bug (I'll submit) but I think DF does as well.
Get a vampire. Send them on a mission. Read the report.
As soon as I remember how to upload saves, I'll send it your way.
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has duplicate 0010919resolved Loci Dwarf name wrong in raid report 
Issue History
2018-01-16 07:11azeroth2bNew Issue
2018-01-16 07:12azeroth2bIssue Monitored: azeroth2b
2018-01-16 07:12azeroth2bIssue End Monitor: azeroth2b
2018-01-16 07:17azeroth2bNote Added: 0037640
2018-01-16 07:18azeroth2bIssue Monitored: azeroth2b
2018-01-16 07:19azeroth2bNote Added: 0037641
2018-04-25 17:14HuntthetrollIssue Monitored: Huntthetroll
2018-07-06 08:22lethosorCategoryCivilizations/Entities -- General => Dwarf Mode -- Raids
2018-07-06 08:46lethosorNote Added: 0038547
2018-07-06 08:46lethosorAssigned To => lethosor
2018-07-06 08:46lethosorStatusnew => confirmed
2018-10-07 14:26LociRelationship addedhas duplicate 0010919
2018-10-07 14:30LociNote Added: 0038859

2018-01-16 07:17   
Yup, I totally forgot how/when to attach a file, but there's a save here:
http://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=13428 [^]
2018-01-16 07:19   
Also: This is probably more of a Dwarf Mode defect than Civ, but I couldn't find anything appropriate.
2018-07-06 08:46   
In the future, can you please find a save that's less massive? Yours is >140 MB and requires >1.6 GB of memory to load - not infeasible, but annoying, especially for people testing more than one save.

Anyway, I couldn't figure out who "Bembul" was, but Asmel Zatamkulet has a historical figure name of "Etur", and might be related. I did find "the dwarf vampire 'Bembul Solonoth' Flagscorches" listed in the raid report for Releasesin, but that looks like it might be a nickname to me. At any rate, no dwarf by that name is in the fort, and the "vampire" part of the mission report is a giveaway.
2018-10-07 14:30   
v0.44.12: metime00 posted a save in 0010919:

http://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=14059 [^]

The spy "Tun Lushwire" immigrated as "Bedo Ecsharulac" (0010490), but her true name is revealed in the mission report for the attack on Glazedgranite.