Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0010855Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Militarypublic2018-08-04 14:082018-08-06 12:58
0010855: Soldier sometimes don't carry waterskins.
I've been having this issue for as long as I can remember, it's still present in 0.44.12.

In short, soldiers sometimes don't carry a waterskin, despite having one assigned. Looking into it, I've found at least one instance of a soldier without a waterskin being assigned a waterskin that another soldier is already equipped with.

The workaround for this is usually to forbid the carrying of any drinks, atom smash all waterskins, make new ones and set soldiers to carry drinks again and hope for the best.

I'm not sure if there's also a bug with assigning a waterskin that already has liquid in it, someone else might want to look into that.
Happens randomly. Just keep an eye on your military and sooner or later it will happen.
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related to 0010744acknowledged Loci Military assigns equipment they cannot obtain. Goes into battle half dressed with no weapons. 
Issue History
2018-08-04 14:08uristkibkalanNew Issue
2018-08-05 12:50LociNote Added: 0038688
2018-08-05 12:50LociAssigned To => Loci
2018-08-05 12:50LociStatusnew => needs feedback
2018-08-05 12:50LociNote Edited: 0038688bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0038688#r15730
2018-08-05 14:45uristkibkalanNote Added: 0038689
2018-08-05 14:45uristkibkalanStatusneeds feedback => assigned
2018-08-06 12:56LociRelationship addedrelated to 0010744
2018-08-06 12:58LociStatusassigned => confirmed

2018-08-05 12:50   
Please upload a save demonstrating this problem to DFFD ( http://dffd.bay12games.com/ [^] ) and post a link here. Thanks!

2018-08-05 14:45   
Savefile uploaded: http://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=13945 [^]

Endok Saziredos has been assigned a Gray Langur Leather Waterskin (only existing instance of it), but it's already being carried by Sigun Unishameb.