Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0011173Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Animal Handlingpublic2019-11-03 18:022019-11-03 18:57
0011173: Dwarf repeats cancelling "Handle Animal" job at extreme rate while standing still.
A dwarf can constantly keep cancelling a "handle tame animal" so fast, that it repeats the message up to 100 times within a few seconds, all the while, the dwarf just stands in one spot and does nothing - even to the point of getting drowsy, thirsty and hungry.

The cat that the dwarf was "cancelling" may not have existed or have just been in a normal area. As I checked that all the cats were in standard, reachable areas.
Screenshot here: (https://i.imgur.com/ULmIeVc.png [^])
Example save here: (https://www.mediafire.com/file/6s885mwtujv4in8/Nelfor.rar/file [^])
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duplicate of 0005709confirmed Loci If an animal gets stuck on an inpassable square of a workshop, a dwarf can get stuck trying to haul the animal away 
Issue History
2019-11-03 18:02ZippyNew Issue
2019-11-03 18:06ZippyNote Added: 0039570
2019-11-03 18:57LociNote Added: 0039571
2019-11-03 18:57LociRelationship addedduplicate of 0005709
2019-11-03 18:57LociStatusnew => resolved
2019-11-03 18:57LociResolutionopen => duplicate
2019-11-03 18:57LociAssigned To => Loci

2019-11-03 18:06   
Making the "cancel-frozen" dwarf join a military, then removing him can *sometimes* fix the issue.
2019-11-03 18:57   
The kitten is stuck in the impassable tile of the farmer's workshop due north of the stuck dwarf (0005709). Removing that workshop allows the animal handling job to complete.