Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0011560Dwarf FortressMiscellaneous Crashespublic2020-06-18 11:272020-07-03 08:59
PCWindows 10 Home 64-bit1909
0011560: Consistent crash, unknown reason
My game consistently crashes around 10 seconds after my current save is loaded. Unfortunately I don't have any idea what might be causing the crash.

The crash first occured using PyLNP with DFHack, but it can still be reproduced in vanilla.

You can download the save here: https://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=15114 [^]
1. Load the save
2. Unpause
3. Wait around 10 seconds
4. The game crashes
I'm not sure what extra info I should provide. Please let me know.
No tags attached.
duplicate of 0011549resolved lethosor Crash when off-site werecreature gives birth 
Issue History
2020-06-18 11:27gregolegoNew Issue
2020-06-18 12:39gregolegoNote Added: 0040585
2020-07-03 08:41QuietustNote Added: 0040607
2020-07-03 08:56lethosorRelationship addedhas duplicate 0011571
2020-07-03 08:58lethosorDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=16508#r16508
2020-07-03 08:58lethosorSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=16510#r16510
2020-07-03 08:59lethosorNote Added: 0040610
2020-07-03 08:59lethosorRelationship addedduplicate of 0011549
2020-07-03 08:59lethosorStatusnew => resolved
2020-07-03 08:59lethosorResolutionopen => duplicate
2020-07-03 08:59lethosorAssigned To => lethosor
2020-07-03 08:59lethosorRelationship deletedhas duplicate 0011571

2020-06-18 12:39   
The issue is meant to say "10 seconds". I didn't know tildes would cause problems.
2020-07-03 08:41   
This appears to be the exact same crash seen in 0011571 - a Goblin named "Utes Aslotdeslo Oko Smal" (unit #15303, HF #38358) is giving birth to a child while transformed into a Wereelephant.
2020-07-03 08:59   
Marking as a duplicate of 0011549 per 0011549:0040609