Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0001470Dwarf FortressCreaturespublic2010-04-23 15:172011-03-03 08:48
0001470: canceled action: interrupted by forgotton beast
iv got 2 forgotton beasts one a hairy aligator and one a dragon. there camping a stairwell which they have absolutly no entrance to and all of my dwarfs are canceling there actions and susspending construction. so basicly if they get within about 15 tiles of the stairwell even though they have no access to my fort at all they will cause all my dwarfs to cancel actions and susspend construction.
make sure you have absolutly no access to the caverns from your fort. Wait for a forgotton beast to show up near a stairwell.
iv got about 4 - 8 tiles of blank space between any part of my fort and the caverns
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duplicate of 0000362confirmed Footkerchief Interrupted by forgotten beast -- Through 20 z-levels of solid rock with no possible path 
Issue History
2010-04-23 15:17cobra265New Issue
2010-04-23 15:38FootkerchiefNote Added: 0004792
2010-04-23 15:38FootkerchiefIssue Monitored: Footkerchief
2010-04-23 18:38DoctorZuberNote Added: 0004813
2010-04-23 19:30FootkerchiefRelationship addedchild of 0000362
2010-04-24 23:38cobra265Note Added: 0004957
2010-11-03 06:47bibinouIssue Monitored: bibinou
2011-03-03 08:48FootkerchiefRelationship replacedduplicate of 0000362
2011-03-03 08:48FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2011-03-03 08:48FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2011-03-03 08:48FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief

2010-04-23 15:38   
Is there a fortification that your dwarves can see them through?

If not, then it would be helpful for you to upload the save demonstrating this issue to http://dffd.wimbli.com/ [^]
2010-04-23 18:38   
this sounds identical to my own report of 0000362

I actually do still have saves for this one if you want. I always leave seasonal backups on, I set this one aside after I basically lost this fortress to mass insanity.

After trying to connect the stairway to the ground (and failing at about 2 levels of open space from the ground) The forgotten beast basically interrupted ALL tasks, which left all my dwarves trapped since this was the main staircase into the fortress. This soon resulted in mass idleness and insanity, I quit playing the fort after most everybody died and it was clear that they were now all too insane to recover from this tragedy.
2010-04-24 23:38   
unfortunatly i dont have the save anymore. i DFhacked lava onto it till it moved. Doctor thats pretty much exactly what happends. no sight to the beast at all. he just sits there camping a stairwell and traps all of your dwarfs. if this happends to anyone i suggest grabing DFhack and dump lava on it till it moves