Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002163Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Buildings, Generalpublic2010-06-04 20:332014-09-05 07:43
0002163: Objects dropped from above (such as stones from removed constructions) get stuck in fortifications
Over time, I have been building a tower. Construction begins from the outdoor scaffold so I don't leave my fort vulnerable to flying invaders.

My fort design, built from the side, is as follows:
+ = Fortifications
_ = Floor
X = Stair

+________X________+ X
+________X________+ X

As I build up, my design forces me to remove the constructed Floor over my Fortifications. The result is, the material falls into the Fortifications and cannot be retrieved except by the removal of the Fortifications.
Build a Construction directly above a Fortification.
Destroy the Construction.
Your building material will be stuck inside the Fortification.
This is definitely related to 0002160, and probably caused by Fortifications not providing a Floor above them.
No tags attached.
related to 0002160resolved Footkerchief Babies/infants stuck inside fortifications, can't be freed except by removing fortification 
related to 0002206new  Floors deconstructed above windows leave components in open space, unreachable to dwarves 
has duplicate 0001384resolved Footkerchief Stones from removed construction fall into fortifications 
has duplicate 0008131resolved Footkerchief Items from deconstruction can land on unwalkable points and can't be removed from there 
has duplicate 0008343resolved Footkerchief If a tree grows next to a fortification, some of the cut logs will land *in* the fortification 
related to 0002197acknowledged Loci Corpse stuck on impassible/inaccessible workshop tile, can't be buried unless workshop is removed 
related to 0005709confirmed Loci If an animal gets stuck on an inpassable square of a workshop, a dwarf can get stuck trying to haul the animal away 
related to 0005907resolved Toady One Deconstruction results in falling blocks injuring dwarves 
related to 0006148new  Channeled stone falls into constructed wall below 
related to 0008242new  Interrupted buildings will scatter components to un-reachable tiles. 
Issue History
2010-06-04 20:33DarthCloakedDwarfNew Issue
2010-06-04 21:39FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0002160
2010-06-04 21:39FootkerchiefNote Added: 0007694
2010-06-21 12:09FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0002197
2010-08-17 17:58Ceaser57Note Added: 0011869
2010-08-17 22:21FootkerchiefNote Added: 0011879
2010-08-23 06:22Ceaser57Note Added: 0012037
2010-08-23 06:29Ceaser57Note Added: 0012039
2010-08-23 06:29Ceaser57Note Deleted: 0012039
2010-08-23 06:30Ceaser57Note Edited: 0012037bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0012037#r4697
2011-03-03 08:53FootkerchiefRelationship addedhas duplicate 0001384
2011-03-03 08:53FootkerchiefSummaryObjects dropped from above get stuck in Fortifications. => Objects dropped from above (such as stones from removed constructions) get stuck in Fortifications.
2011-03-03 08:54FootkerchiefSummaryObjects dropped from above (such as stones from removed constructions) get stuck in Fortifications. => Objects dropped from above (such as stones from removed constructions) get stuck in fortifications
2011-03-03 13:52Khym ChanurIssue Monitored: Khym Chanur
2012-03-28 09:56FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0005709
2012-05-17 07:06FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0005907
2012-08-05 09:24Knight OtuRelationship addedrelated to 0006148
2014-01-21 18:44FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0002206
2014-01-24 03:11TBeholderNote Added: 0024342
2014-01-24 03:15TBeholderNote Edited: 0024342bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0024342#r9115
2014-01-24 06:46FootkerchiefNote Added: 0024343
2014-08-23 19:52FootkerchiefRelationship addedhas duplicate 0008131
2014-09-05 07:43FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2014-09-05 07:43FootkerchiefStatusnew => confirmed
2014-09-05 07:44FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0008242
2014-09-24 19:17FootkerchiefRelationship addedhas duplicate 0008343
2018-04-16 10:25HuntthetrollIssue Monitored: Huntthetroll

2010-06-04 21:39   
# Req134, FORTIFICATION OBJECT PROBLEMS, (Future): Lost projectiles in fortified squares can cause complications. You should be able to retrieve them somehow.

# Bloat294, CLEANING ADJACENT INACCESSIBLE SQUARES, (Future): There should be a way to clean chunks and other garbage out of fortifications or other places it gets stuck.
2010-08-17 17:58   
I've also been having this issue in my fort with 31.12
I built walls, then carved into fortifications, 3 z levels on top of each other. When I decided to deconstruct a portion of it on the top level the stone fell through causing the square one level down to have both a stone and the fortification there, but the fortification no longer provides a floor above it like it did before.
2010-08-17 22:21   
the fortification no longer provides a floor above it like it did before.

Pretty sure they never provided a floor.
2010-08-23 06:22   
(edited on: 2010-08-23 06:30)
Walls that have been carved into fortifications don't have floors on top? My dwarves seem to walk on them just fine...

Here is a picture demonstrating this issue. http://i.imgur.com/4rXVm.png [^] [^]
The image on the right is 1 z-level above the image on the left. The two olivine stones and silver block dropped through when I deconstructed two walls and a ramp on the higher level.

2014-01-24 03:11   
(edited on: 2014-01-24 03:15)
Fortifications that have been carved (whether out of a natural wall or constructed) have floors above, just like walls. Constructed ones don't.

The bug is here - falling and flow-moved objects (and babies) get stuck.

This means OP could circumvent it by building a wall instead, and carving fortification into it. You still get 2 jobs ("build, carve ... build, carve" instead of "remove, build ... remove, build"), and removal of constructed floor is also buggy, after all.
Unless having open top is necessary for some reason (let water in?) - which perhaps could be solved by building a "sink" elsewhere.
Aniother way to circumvent this bug is using a floor hatch (or grate) instead of that floor - these can be walked upon, block passage (though not for everything), and removed hatches are moved to the next tile, not allowed to fall.

Also, for some reason, an earlier ticket was marked as a duplicate of a later. Oh, well.

2014-01-24 06:46   
Also, for some reason, an earlier ticket was marked as a duplicate of a later. Oh, well.

This report was more complete.