Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002488Dwarf FortressContaminants/Spatterpublic2010-06-28 01:022015-04-12 19:58
normalminorhave not tried
Intel x64Windows7
0002488: Hot items exposed to rain generate excessive amounts of steam
I embarked on a site with a surface volcano, and created a lava flow across a portion of the map. A block of a magma-safe stone (orthoclase) was left in the channel and became surrounded my hot magma at a depth of typically 1/7 or 2/7

When it started to rain, the block became a source of a never-ending steam cloud. I came to the conclusion that this was because it was being repeatedly given a water covering from the rain that would instantly boil.
Embark on a map with a surface volcano and a biome with rain. Create a block of magma-proof rock, and place it in a lava flow.
related to 0002605new  Creatures bleeding to death after water coverings evaporate from small body parts (toes, lips) 
related to 0005536new  When lit on fire by dragon (pterosaur?) breath, artifacts never cease to produce smoke. 
has duplicate 0008913resolved lethosor Teeth create excessive steam when in very hot rain. 
Issue History
2010-06-28 01:02SmileyManNew Issue
2010-06-28 07:31FootkerchiefNote Added: 0009218
2010-06-28 07:31FootkerchiefTag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-06-28 07:31FootkerchiefTag Attached: Intentional?
2010-06-28 08:13SmileyManNote Added: 0009240
2010-06-28 09:27FootkerchiefSummaryMagma-proof block in outdoor magma stream creates infinite steam when it rains => Hot items exposed to rain generate excessive amounts of steam
2010-06-28 09:27FootkerchiefTag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-06-28 10:58smjjamesNote Added: 0009257
2010-07-12 12:03FootkerchiefTag RenamedIntentional? => Intentional/Expected?
2014-01-27 21:22FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0002605
2015-04-12 19:58lethosorRelationship addedhas duplicate 0008913
2015-04-12 19:58lethosorIssue Monitored: ravenchow
2015-04-12 19:58lethosorAssigned To => lethosor
2015-04-12 19:58lethosorStatusnew => acknowledged
2015-04-12 19:58lethosorRelationship addedrelated to 0005536
2018-04-16 17:43HuntthetrollIssue Monitored: Huntthetroll

2010-06-28 07:31   
Why is this a bug? Is it the inconsistency between the block producing steam and the lava not producing steam?
2010-06-28 08:13   
It's the amount of steam. It appears more like a geyser on the screen - when I first saw it I though I had tapped into some cool feature!

Sadly I deleted the save in a drunken ragequit, so I don't have it - I could try and reproduce. If you saw it on screen you'd agree it's a bug. Needs some sort of check on the temperature before trying to create the water coating.
2010-06-28 10:58   
You probably don't need a save since I've reproduced this in the arena. Its slightly random in that you have to wait in adventure mode for it to rain and objects that are otherwise covered in magma will start steaming like a geyser. I think it happens to stuff which have a z-level or more of 7/7 magma between them and open space.

It also happens to magmamen and pyrozombies who get caught in the rain I believe.