Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0003178Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Immigrationpublic2010-09-08 04:272010-12-24 03:26
Dwarf McDwarf 
PCWindows 7Ultimate 64 bit
0003178: Crashes after migrant wave
I am running Genesis mod 3.1 with 3.1.1 patch

After the first migrant wave the game just stops responding.It may be because I am assigning them to a burrow the moment they get into the fort but that has never crashed the game for me.I am uploading the SVG to bugtracker.
Wait for migrant wave
This is a reclaim fort.
No tags attached.
duplicate of 0002422new Footkerchief Crash on reclaim: Extra Item Occupancy 
Issue History
2010-09-08 04:27Dwarf McDwarfNew Issue
2010-09-08 04:31Dwarf McDwarfIssue Monitored: Dwarf McDwarf
2010-09-08 04:47Dwarf McDwarfIssue End Monitor: Dwarf McDwarf
2010-09-08 04:47Dwarf McDwarfNote Added: 0012499
2010-09-08 06:41kwielandNote Added: 0012504
2010-09-08 06:53DwarfuNote Added: 0012506
2010-09-08 06:54Dwarf McDwarfNote Added: 0012507
2010-09-08 06:56Dwarf McDwarfNote Added: 0012508
2010-09-08 06:56Dwarf McDwarfNote Edited: 0012507bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0012507#r4851
2010-09-08 06:56Dwarf McDwarfNote Deleted: 0012508
2010-09-08 07:14Dwarf McDwarfNote Edited: 0012507bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0012507#r4852
2010-09-08 07:17DwarfuNote Added: 0012509
2010-09-08 07:45Dwarf McDwarfNote Added: 0012510
2010-09-08 08:18DwarfuNote Added: 0012511
2010-09-08 16:53Dwarf McDwarfNote Added: 0012523
2010-09-08 17:23DwarfuNote Added: 0012525
2010-09-08 17:23DwarfuNote Edited: 0012525bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0012525#r4856
2010-09-08 17:40Dwarf McDwarfNote Added: 0012526
2010-09-08 17:52Dwarf McDwarfNote Edited: 0012526bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0012526#r4858
2010-09-08 17:54Dwarf McDwarfNote Edited: 0012526bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0012526#r4859
2010-09-08 19:24DwarfuNote Added: 0012533
2010-09-10 00:02Dwarf McDwarfNote Added: 0012556
2010-09-17 04:15Dwarf McDwarfNote Edited: 0012556bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0012556#r4941
2010-09-23 08:00Logical2uNote Added: 0012918
2010-09-23 08:00Logical2uTag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-12-24 03:21DwarfuRelationship addedrelated to 0002882
2010-12-24 03:26DwarfuTag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-12-24 03:26DwarfuRelationship addedduplicate of 0002422
2010-12-24 03:26DwarfuStatusnew => resolved
2010-12-24 03:26DwarfuResolutionopen => duplicate
2010-12-24 03:26DwarfuAssigned To => Dwarfu
2011-03-11 06:56DwarfuRelationship deletedrelated to 0002882

Dwarf McDwarf   
2010-09-08 04:47   
I meant DFFD not bugtracker :D
2010-09-08 06:41   
How long is it frozen for? Ice thawing can "freeze" my system for a good five minutes. Eventually it will come out of it, though, as it isn't really frozen, just thinking. What size is your map? The migrants coming might just be coincidence, not causation.
2010-09-08 06:53   
See 0001853 and its children. Are you getting any errors in your errorlog.txt file, such as "Extra Item Occupancy"?
Dwarf McDwarf   
2010-09-08 06:54   
(edited on: 2010-09-08 07:14)
It bombs with a "DF has stopped working" error, which indicates a crash usually. And with the stopped working error it will make the program not work until you exit and go back on to it.

Heres my entire Errorlog

loop path fail: <invalid goal> crundle,0,86,94 -> -4,83,94: Id #16956:Path Goal Seek Station:Station Mill Anywhere at -3,86,94
loop path fail: <invalid goal> crundle,0,69,94 -> -36,44,94: Id #17091:Path Goal Seek Station:Station Mill Anywhere at -35,43,94
loop path fail: <invalid goal> leech fiend,0,141,31 -> -18,158,31: Id #17076:Path Goal Seek Station:Station Mill Anywhere at 47,158,38
loop path fail: <invalid goal> crundle,143,134,98 -> 171,127,98: Id #17223:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 69,98,98
loop path fail: <invalid goal> specter of snow,0,61,4 -> -18,36,4: Id #19016:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 10,72,4
loop path fail: <invalid goal> rabbit,143,44,90 -> 188,90,89: Id #21025:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 141,42,90
loop path fail: <invalid goal> anteater brute,79,239,5 -> 106,268,5: Id #24395:Path Goal Seek Station:Station Mill Anywhere at 105,265,5
loop path fail: <invalid goal> white brute,143,162,4 -> 190,151,2: Id #24167:Path Goal Seek Station:Station Mill Anywhere at 189,154,2
loop path fail: <invalid goal> leech devil,143,174,4 -> 185,187,1: Id #24439:Path Goal Seek Station:Station Mill Anywhere at 184,185,1
loop path fail: <invalid goal> leech devil,143,205,4 -> 157,220,4: Id #24671:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 112,174,5
loop path fail: <invalid goal> flood fiend,142,202,4 -> 181,261,4: Id #24540:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 131,149,4
loop path fail: <invalid goal> flood fiend,143,103,6 -> 181,170,2: Id #24230:Path Goal Seek Station:Station Mill Anywhere at 184,169,2
loop path fail: <invalid goal> flood fiend,77,239,5 -> 86,261,5: Id #24557:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 77,232,5
loop path fail: <invalid goal> flood fiend,142,204,4 -> 181,261,4: Id #24540:Path Goal Seek Station:Station Mill Anywhere at 136,115,6
loop path fail: <invalid goal> flood fiend,143,205,4 -> 181,261,4: Id #24540:Path Goal Seek Station:Station Mill Anywhere at 136,115,6
loop path fail: <invalid goal> spirit of fire,143,96,8 -> 181,159,2: Id #24603:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 107,53,7
loop path fail: <invalid goal> spirit of fire,91,239,3 -> 91,254,5: Id #25482:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 91,235,4
loop path fail: <invalid goal> crundle,143,121,23 -> 182,132,25: Id #24083:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 102,144,25
loop path fail: <invalid goal> flood fiend,143,135,6 -> 182,171,2: Id #25350:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 69,90,6
loop path fail: <invalid goal> leech devil,143,175,4 -> 176,210,0: Id #25307:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 136,168,4
loop path fail: <invalid goal> spider fiend,142,173,4 -> 163,205,0: Id #24724:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 138,168,4
loop path fail: <invalid goal> leech devil,143,198,4 -> 151,203,3: Id #25416:Path Goal Seek Station:Station Mill Anywhere at 41,149,5
loop path fail: <invalid goal> spider fiend,143,174,4 -> 163,205,0: Id #24724:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 138,168,4
loop path fail: <invalid goal> pink devil,125,239,6 -> 156,267,4: Id #24415:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 90,197,4
loop path fail: <invalid goal> flood fiend,143,136,6 -> 172,150,4: Id #25210:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 135,139,5
loop path fail: <invalid goal> anteater brute,0,17,1 -> -39,7,2: Id #25609:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 8,17,1
loop path fail: <invalid goal> dread troll,41,143,31 -> 45,177,37: Id #25726:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 41,143,31
loop path fail: <invalid goal> buzzard,0,82,131 -> -32,114,131: Id #25764:Path Goal Seek Station:Station None at 26,57,132
path fail: stone dwarfette,174,41,26 -> 97,96,77: Id #27899:Path Goal Seek Station:Station Wagon at 97,95,77
path fail: jade dwarf,16,45,61 -> 95,93,77: Id #27737:Path Goal Seek Station:Station Wagon at 94,94,77
Site Map: Extra Item Occupancy 137,164,68

What does the extra item error mean anyway?

2010-09-08 07:17   
The "loop path fail" messages aren't anything to worry about, but the "Extra Item Occupancy" is crashing reclaim games.

When the immigrants arrive, is it near season change? Do you have seasonal backups activated? It may be crashing when it is trying to save.

Does 0002422 sound like your problem?
Dwarf McDwarf   
2010-09-08 07:45   
How do I check if it's near season change?
2010-09-08 08:18   
'z' and look at the date.
Dwarf McDwarf   
2010-09-08 16:53   
24th felsite, 44, late spring
2010-09-08 17:23   
Felsite is the last month of spring...which means if it makes it to the end of the month, it will generate a save if you have seasonal saves active.

Do you know if it makes it to the 30th, or does it crash before that?

Dwarf McDwarf   
2010-09-08 17:40   
(edited on: 2010-09-08 17:54)
It gets to the next date before the migrants come. The migrants arive at the 8th of malachite, no children can get in if there are any because the game crashes before that.

2010-09-08 19:24   
Ok, I was trying to determine if it was the saving that was causing it.

Please upload that save (and link it) so we can take a look at it.
Dwarf McDwarf   
2010-09-10 00:02   
(edited on: 2010-09-17 04:15)
I keep on accidently closing DFFD so I am still uploading it even though it's been a few days.(Edit)DFFD seems to enjoy not uploading it when the progress of uploading it bar is full. DAMN IT!

2010-09-23 08:00   
So upload it somewhere else then, like Rapidshare. It's not imperative that it go on DFFD.

Link us when you've got it done, thanks.