Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0003422Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Healthcarepublic2010-10-13 13:452011-03-16 23:45
0003422: Injured dwarves are not recovered
I've had dwarves injured repeatedly, yet none of them have been recovered and taken to the hospital. They have all had to go walk there themselves while repeatedly falling unconscious, usually on top of the gauntlet of traps built to keep out invaders.
No tags attached.
duplicate of 0001167resolved Footkerchief Not Recovering Wounded 
Issue History
2010-10-13 13:45LostNew Issue
2010-10-26 07:49Malibu StaceyNote Added: 0013518
2010-10-26 07:49Malibu StaceyTag Attached: Not a bug
2011-03-16 23:45DwarfuTag Detached: Not a bug
2011-03-16 23:45DwarfuRelationship addedduplicate of 0001167
2011-03-16 23:45DwarfuStatusnew => resolved
2011-03-16 23:45DwarfuResolutionopen => duplicate
2011-03-16 23:45DwarfuAssigned To => Dwarfu

Malibu Stacey   
2010-10-26 07:49   
Recover Wounded works fine for me in 0.31.16. It seems to be quite a low priority task though so you may find that if your dwarves are busy hauling etc & you rarely have any idle then your injured dwarves never get carried off to your hospitals since no one is idle long enough to pick up the "Recover Wounded" job.

As I use Dwarf Therapist to make all children in my fort into haulers they often end up being nurses & porters for my injured dwarves when all the adults are busy.

Try making a couple of dwarves dedicated nurses/porters with only the Give Water/Food & Recover Wounded jobs if it's causing you an issue.