Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0003457Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Combatpublic2010-10-23 05:292010-10-23 08:40
Ogg the Blinky Sock 
normalminorhave not tried
Intel iMac OS X w/ Wine
0003457: Wrestler becomes legendary after stabbing ettin with spear.
"The Ettin punches The Wrestler in the upper...
"The Ettin releases the grip...
"The [adequate or novice] Wrestler stabs The Ettin in the right head with her steel spear, tearing the fat!
"The Ettin grabs The Elite Wrestler by the giant rat leather armor with his left hand!"

The wrestler was severely injured by a prior blow that pushed the true rib through the liver, but that's the only mitigating factor that I can see which might explain the promotion. It was her first experience of combat.
No tags attached.
duplicate of 0000089resolved Toady One Wrestler/Fighter levels up way too quickly, especially against much bigger/stronger creatures 
Issue History
2010-10-23 05:29Ogg the Blinky SockNew Issue
2010-10-23 08:18Ogg the Blinky SockIssue Monitored: Ogg the Blinky Sock
2010-10-23 08:40Logical2uNote Added: 0013480
2010-10-23 08:40Logical2uRelationship addedduplicate of 0000089
2010-10-23 08:40Logical2uStatusnew => resolved
2010-10-23 08:40Logical2uResolutionopen => duplicate
2010-10-23 08:40Logical2uAssigned To => Logical2u

2010-10-23 08:40   
Definitely a duplicate of 0000089, although with an implement that appears to have had little effect on the end result. In this case it sounds like it was a particularly large/experienced ettin.