Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
View Issue Details
0004536Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Economicspublic2011-04-16 15:222015-02-22 10:11
normalminorhave not tried
0004536: Bookkeeping not being performed.
- Expedition Leader assign as Manager/Bookkeeper/Broker.
- Is requesting Meager Office even though thoughts screen shows that he owns one.
- Has no issues Managing Job Orders.
Save Included
Issue History
2011-04-16 15:22Terror_IncognitoNew Issue
2011-04-16 15:36kwielandNote Added: 0017407
2011-04-16 18:34MetIssue Monitored: Met
2011-04-16 18:47MetIssue End Monitor: Met
2011-04-18 21:20FootkerchiefTag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2011-06-05 08:01malvadoNote Added: 0017933
2011-06-05 14:41kwielandNote Added: 0017936
2011-06-08 10:41DwarfuNote Added: 0017950
2011-12-11 14:14DwarfuIssue Monitored: kwieland
2011-12-11 14:14DwarfuIssue Monitored: malvado
2011-12-11 14:14DwarfuNote Added: 0019136
2011-12-16 20:49kwielandNote Added: 0019182
2011-12-16 20:49kwielandNote Edited: 0019182bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0019182#r7176
2011-12-17 04:40DwarfuTag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE
2011-12-17 04:40DwarfuTag Attached: Save Included
2011-12-17 04:44DwarfuNote Added: 0019184
2011-12-17 06:17kwielandNote Added: 0019185
2012-01-15 19:47kwielandNote Edited: 0019185bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0019185#r7270
2015-02-22 10:11malvadoNote Added: 0032277

2011-04-16 15:36   
Did you change the bookkeeper settings?
2011-06-05 08:01   
There's evidently some bug around with bookkeeping , I've gotten the message that "bookkeeper has done enough work to attain High Accuracy or best accuracy" and after that he will never again start working on it.

Doesnt matter if you switch bookkeeper to someone else.
2011-06-05 14:41   
Malvado, I would agree. In 40d, a bookkeeper would become legendary "updating records" in a mater of a few game months. However, currently, the first bookkeeper works for a while and then never updates records again. it is as if the job is done. Switching bookkeepers is something I haven't tried.
2011-06-08 10:41   
Reminder sent to: Terror_Incognito

kwieland asked a question - Did you change the bookkeeper settings?

If you haven't figured the problem out, please upload a save to http://dffd.wimbi.com [^] and post a link here.
2011-12-11 14:14   
Reminder sent to: kwieland, malvado

Can either of you upload a save where your bookkeeper:
1) has an office;
2) has noble settings set to highest accuracy;
3) is not doing bookkeeping/gaining further experience.
2011-12-16 20:49   
http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=4300 [^]
1-3 YES.
This save has a bookkeeper that is only accomplished, even though he's been the bookkeeper from the beginning 20+ game years. I guess it could be rust, but it doesn't say his skill is rusty.

He is in the military now, but you can remove him. After two-three game years he no longer performs any bookkeeping. He has an office and the settings are on max.

In 40d the bookkeeper would be required to perform routine jobs every once in a while that eventually (several game months) would build up a bookkeeper to legendary. If you change the bookkeeper now, the new bookkeeper will not get any new "record keeping" jobs. It is as if all the initial fortress items have been stockpiled and no more are needed.

I wonder if it is related to the bars/cloth/unit issue, where 1 bar (40d) = 1000 "bars") issue. I don't have DFhack, so I can't verify if the bookkeeper is getting any more experience. Should be easy enough to verify. Don't mind the seiges, there is a switch on F2 right behind the main entrance ramps that raises a drawbridge. The caverns have not been breached either.

Another interesting thing is if you abandon this game and reclaim, the FPS goes to pot. right now I get 18-20 which is playable, but on reclaim it is <2. I think it has to do with all the HFS in the lower levels being let loose. Either that or pathing, but I don't know how that would be different for the two.

By the way, why didn't I get a reminder email about this? I check it often enough, but a reminder email would be nice.

2011-12-17 04:44   
Reminder sent to: kwieland

Thanks for the save.

You should have received a reminder, as I sent it specifically to you (sending this one to you as a test). Check your account settings and verify your email address. You can also set other email/notice preferences there.
2011-12-17 06:17   
(edited on: 2012-01-15 19:47)
Let me know if you need another save. I checked through my other saves and most of them have a bookkeeper that reaches some level but doesn't progress beyond that. I haven't played in a while, hoping that some of the bugs will be fixed. That's the funny thing - DF has infinite playability. The only thing that makes me stop is being fed up with bugs!

EDIT: I did just see the bookkeeper doing his job. He is only adequate, though, after tens of game years. In 40d that would happen in four or five months for an active fortress producing stone, etc. I wonder if it is related to the number of bars/pieces of cloth? I certainly produce enough goods every caravan gets 15+ full bins of junk.

2015-02-22 10:11   
This is still present in the latest version of DF.
Link to my save : https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=5425D268D23F347E%211243 [^]