Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0005785Dwarf FortressContaminants/Spatterpublic2012-04-07 11:322012-04-11 11:49
WindowsVista Windows Vista
0005785: Blood accumulates in the air above slopes
Blood accumulates above slopes and never falls to ground level and never gets washed away by rain.

Blood can be found 1z level above an upward slope, technically on a downward slope tile, or several z levels above. If the blood stood on the upward slope instead of the downward slope it could be washed away by the rain. Removing the slope does not remove the blood from the air.

If you build constructions under an open space that was above a bloody slope, sometimes you can find more blood that was hanging in the open space that would not show up. As soon as the construction is built the blood usually disappears from the air. I have found blood 3 z levels above a slope.

This does not affect game play in any big way except the accumulation of blood that never gets washed away by rain will wear down a little on fps. And it is weird to have clean upward slopes and bloody downward slopes.
Injure enemies wile they are standing on or near upward slopes. Blood will accumulate on the downward slope and never on the upward slope. Rain will never wash the blood off of the downward slope.
Using Phoebus graphics pack
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related to 0000666confirmed Footkerchief Fighting in the air or near a ledge can leave blood spatters in midair  
Issue History
2012-04-07 11:32AndrakonNew Issue
2012-04-07 11:39AndrakonNote Added: 0022142
2012-04-07 11:40AndrakonNote Edited: 0022142bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0022142#r8232
2012-04-11 11:49FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0000666

2012-04-07 11:39   
(edited on: 2012-04-07 11:40)
Looks like you can find the blood in the open spaces without doing this:

"If you build constructions under an open space that was above a bloody slope, sometimes you can find more blood that was hanging in the open space that would not show up."

Just look at the open spaces with k. I usually just didn't notice the open spaces had blood in it until I had gone to construct something in it and the tile would be a red color.