Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0005846Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Environmentpublic2012-04-28 08:162012-04-28 11:13
Knight Otu 
lowtweakhave not tried
0005846: Dwarf's falling into magma survive for multiple Z-levels
I had a dwarf child population explosion probably due to using 0, 0 in the init file for babies/children (which is another separate issue) so that 40% of my fort were lazy children. Luckily I had a lava tube. So I built a hanging set of floors above the tube, assigned it as a meeting area, and then got the children to deconstruct it when there was no one else of value there. 18 of the little darlings plunged to their death. Except they kept plunging all the way down until they discovered the magma sea and adamantium! Aside from instant reporting of what they found, how did they survive falling through over 60 z-levels of magma?
I suspect some of the new cart physics for objects slowing down in liquid might fix this but it seems nonsensical.
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duplicate of 0000397confirmed lethosor Creatures fall too fast through magma, die of bleeding instead of melting/suffocating, scout out/reveal areas while dying 
Issue History
2012-04-28 08:16keirNew Issue
2012-04-28 11:13Knight OtuRelationship addedduplicate of 0000397
2012-04-28 11:13Knight OtuStatusnew => resolved
2012-04-28 11:13Knight OtuResolutionopen => duplicate
2012-04-28 11:13Knight OtuAssigned To => Knight Otu

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