Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0006548Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Combatpublic2014-07-07 20:282014-08-08 11:30
resolvedunable to reproduce 
0006548: During single opponent combat. Attack->enemy parry->Attempt at counter parry = crash
I've attacked a random dwarf to check out the new combat system. Shortly after the combat started the game crashed
Outside a city, in the dwarven tunnels (I guess that's what they are now), fight a creature capable of parrying. After a parry, while attempting a counter parry the game should crash
Attempted it 3 times with the same character on the same "enemy". Twice the game crashed at that exact moment (took a different number of literal steps to get to the guy). Once it got through.
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related to 0006538resolved Toady One Crashed while blocking in arena mode 
Issue History
2014-07-07 20:28VictuzNew Issue
2014-07-07 20:35FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0006538
2014-07-14 12:05Toady OneNote Added: 0026348
2014-07-14 12:06FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2014-07-14 12:06FootkerchiefStatusnew => needs feedback
2014-08-08 11:30FootkerchiefNote Added: 0028593
2014-08-08 11:30FootkerchiefStatusneeds feedback => resolved
2014-08-08 11:30FootkerchiefResolutionopen => unable to reproduce

Toady One   
2014-07-14 12:05   
Does this still crash? I tried to get it to reproduce after the block fix and couldn't get it to happen, but the block fix... probably shouldn't have fixed it.
2014-08-08 11:30   
Please reopen this report or PM a manager on the forums if this problem is still present in 0.40.06+.