Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0008552Dwarf FortressPathfindingpublic2014-11-14 14:322014-11-14 14:32
normalminorhave not tried
Windows 8.1
0008552: Caravan stuck "unloading" because one of their pack animals is up a tree
When my last dwarven caravan arrived, all attempts to start trading even after they'd been there a while (I'm not sure how many days) were met with "My apologies, but we're still unloading. We'll be ready soon!"

Eventually the broker left the depot to conduct a meeting with the liaison. When the meeting finished, the caravan abruptly packed up and left, though they hadn't been there long enough (I never got a "The merchants are leaving soon" message).

Later, wondering why a gem type I knew I hadn't mined or traded for was still in my stocks, I zoomed in on it. It was on a camel, which was standing atop a coffee tree.
Embark in a heavily forested area. Don't cut many trees on the way to your fortress.
Wait for a caravan.
This was three years into this fort, so I don't think it happens often.
I have some extra plants and some changes to glazing modded in, but nothing that ought to be affecting caravans like this. I made a copy of the save if you need it: http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=10072 [^]
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related to 0008640new  Animals get stuck up trees 
Issue History
2014-11-14 14:32InsanityPreludeNew Issue
2014-12-20 14:01FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0008640

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