Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0008677Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Designationspublic2014-12-29 04:152014-12-29 05:53
Knight Otu 
0008677: Miners will idle if a mining designation exists, but a higher ranking designation is blocked off
I noticed this when my miners started refusing to mine anything with a designation lower than 4. Eventually I figured out that I had designated mining areas with 5, then removed their path to get to that designation (hit a cave and stopped mining there). I have a world save that illustrates the issue. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=1610A002038CC1CD!34325&authkey=!AEuqFLhZsvSQbU0&ithint=folder%2cdat [^]
Designate mining to be done, but make it in an area that miners don't have access to. They will now ignore all designations below that rank, even if they have access to it.
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duplicate of 0008649resolved Toady One Unreachable high-priority mining jobs prevent lower-priority jobs from being taken 
Issue History
2014-12-29 04:15frodo5343New Issue
2014-12-29 04:21fricyNote Added: 0031551
2014-12-29 05:53Knight OtuNote Added: 0031552
2014-12-29 05:53Knight OtuRelationship addedduplicate of 0008649
2014-12-29 05:53Knight OtuStatusnew => resolved
2014-12-29 05:53Knight OtuResolutionopen => duplicate
2014-12-29 05:53Knight OtuAssigned To => Knight Otu

2014-12-29 04:21   
Duplicate of 0008649
Knight Otu   
2014-12-29 05:53   
Thanks, fricy!