Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
View Issue Details
0009192Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Buildingspublic2015-12-03 12:352015-12-04 03:50
Knight Otu 
normalminorhave not tried
0009192: Using hired beds at inns crashes the game
Using hired beds at inns crashes the game
Hire a bed
don't pay
try to 'Z' sleep over the bed
No tags attached.
duplicate of 0009143resolved Toady One Crash when sleeping in a Tavern room 
Issue History
2015-12-03 12:35thvazNew Issue
2015-12-03 16:01TrifNote Added: 0033356
2015-12-04 03:50Knight OtuNote Added: 0033373
2015-12-04 03:50Knight OtuRelationship addedduplicate of 0009143
2015-12-04 03:50Knight OtuStatusnew => resolved
2015-12-04 03:50Knight OtuResolutionopen => duplicate
2015-12-04 03:50Knight OtuAssigned To => Knight Otu

2015-12-03 16:01   
Duplicate of 0009143.
Knight Otu   
2015-12-04 03:50   
Thanks, Trif.