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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update | |
0000076 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Hunting | public | 2010-04-01 19:22 | 2010-08-03 12:11 | |
Reporter | Shenanigans | |||||
Assigned To | Toady One | |||||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | sometimes | |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | |||
Platform | OS | OS Version | ||||
Product Version | ||||||
Target Version | Fixed in Version | 0.31.09 | ||||
Summary | 0000076: Hunters not hunting | |||||
Description | Hunters will decide to randomly stop hunting for no real reason. the only way to get them started again is to turn their labour on and off. they also have a tendancy to leave their kills and just slaughter animals until they get hungry ect. bit of a waste | |||||
Steps To Reproduce | This appears to of happened in 3 of the 4 forts ive tried. i don't know about the first one where it didn't happen becuase i didn't have a hunter. | |||||
Tags | hunting | |||||
Attached Files | ||||||
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(0000080) Arnos (reporter) 2010-04-01 19:47 |
My hunter's are also not hunting, though I've only tired one fort so far... |
(0000086) aepurniet (reporter) 2010-04-01 20:53 |
hunters will start hunting if they have a quiver and assigned ammo from the military screen. |
(0000226) muckypup (reporter) 2010-04-02 10:29 |
I have had hunters just leave kills and go kill something else too, and it wasn't an ammo assignment problem. I haven't had the stopping problem, but then I haven't played very long in a single fort yet. |
(0000568) Arnos (reporter) 2010-04-03 10:05 |
My hunter's started hunting after I built some quivers. |
(0000737) ercdvs (reporter) 2010-04-03 18:25 |
I embarked with a skilled marksdwarf, a quiver, and 30 copper bolts. My starting area had a few deer and goats nearby. My hunter arrived marked as a peasant, and did not do anything when given the hunting skill. I then assigned 100 bolts of any material type to the hunters (it found the 30 copper bolts) and she still refused to hunt. I removed ALL jobs from this dwarf, then re-assigned the hunting job, and she hunted as normal. She shot crossbow bolts like a machine gun, but that is a different issue. |
(0000876) namer4 (reporter) 2010-04-04 09:32 |
My hunters are refusing to hunt after running out of bolts -- they don't re-equip (from the plentiful bolt piles) until I disable and re-enable the label. They the grab one stack of bolts and run out again. |
(0001787) Asmodeous (reporter) 2010-04-07 10:35 |
They also refuse to wear armor. |
(0003156) barconis (reporter) 2010-04-12 17:03 edited on: 2010-04-12 17:06 |
I haven't been able to get a hunter to hunt yet. I assign ammo, I assign the labor, they grab a bow and a quiver, and then do nothing. There are prey animals out there, but they just stand around. Granted, they started out totally unskilled, but I haven't been able to get a dwarf to shoot a bow since the new version came out whether skilled or not. (Once one claimed to be going to archery practice, but that never repeated, and wasn't hunting.) |
(0004548) Footkerchief (manager) 2010-04-22 00:15 |
People who are having trouble with hunters -- were you using Dwarf Therapist to enable the hunting labor? |
(0004610) Decoil (reporter) 2010-04-22 10:20 edited on: 2010-04-22 10:21 |
No, though Dwarf Therapist was running in the background. Hadn't reached a macro economics point in my fortress. This may have something to do with poorly behaved military issues. |
(0005062) hyndis (reporter) 2010-04-25 18:03 |
My hunters work, slowly, if I disable and re-enable hunting within game. I'm not using DT at all with regards to hunting. Then once they run out of ammo they stand around until I turn off hunting and turn it back on again. They reload, attempt to hunt for a while and once they're out of ammo its back to idle. |
(0005071) barconis (reporter) 2010-04-25 20:18 |
I don't use Dwarf Therapist at all, so no. I've given up on crossbows and hunting entirely for 31.01/03, hopefully they will start working again before too long. |
(0005394) Echo_3 (reporter) 2010-04-27 13:59 edited on: 2010-04-27 14:05 |
i have tried the above, however they wont even hunt at aoo. even turning on and off the hunting labor does not work. they have armor, ammo, quiver, and a crossbow and they dont even pick it up. also, im just running dwarf fortress stock. no add-ons nothing like that. and they still wont hunt. |
(0005470) Vastin (reporter) 2010-04-27 22:01 |
In two fortresses I have never seen a hunter hunt. I've managed to coddle one to the point where he actually picked up a crossbow, quiver and bolts, but even then he never hunted the animals on the map. I tried activating/deactivating his jobs both with and w/o Dwarf Therapist, but it was running in the background at all times. |
(0005478) derigo (reporter) 2010-04-27 23:08 |
same here. |
(0008212) Footkerchief (manager) 2010-06-12 13:01 |
It would be helpful to upload saves of non-hunting hunters who 1) have the Hunting labor enabled (NOT through Dwarf Therapist, as that doesn't work) and 2) have access to crossbow, quiver and bolts that aren't being used by another dwarf. You can upload to [^] |
(0008561) d64 (reporter) 2010-06-16 11:39 |
I have uploaded a save concerning this bug. I have a hunter (Unib Zonlensham), who has his crossbow and quiver and the hunting labor enabled. Bolts are assigned in military screen and the arsenal dwarf has done the paperwork. He is standing in the dining room with "no job". [^] If you go to this dwarf's labor prefs, turn off hunting, unpause, then pause immediately after and enable hunting labor, he will run off to grab bolts (from several different stockpiles), and then go off hunting. I have two hunters and each time they run out of ammo I need to do this. |
(0009118) Brillig (reporter) 2010-06-26 03:52 edited on: 2010-06-26 03:55 |
I have tried everything suggested on here, and still my hunter refuses to pick up bolts to hunt. This is for version 31.08, in case that wasn't clear. He has a crossbow and a quiver and 100 bolts assigned on the milatary screen. I tried turning off hunting and reenabling, with and with out dwarf therapist. I also tried reopening the game and loading and doing all that again, that didn't fix it. I tried stationing him as a milatary, then undoing that. In this fortress, I have so far not been unable to buy animals to breed for meat, so an answer would be much appreciated. |
(0009592) eerr (reporter) 2010-07-03 15:16 |
<--Brillig With 100 bolts assinged, bolts must be manually added over time. If you select the '100 bolts' are any specific piles of bolts assinged? -chesnut bolts- *copper bolt* ect. Also, pm me if need more help. |
(0009671) Beeskee (reporter) 2010-07-05 22:36 edited on: 2010-07-05 22:39 |
I tested it in 31-08, to get arsenal dwarfs to assign bolts and hunters to equip bolts: Have a hunter with the skill enabled. Arsenal dwarf will not assign bolts to a group without a hunter with the skill turned on. Create a bolt group or two in military ammo screen for hunters - m - f. NEVER delete the bolt groups. If you delete it, the bolts get "locked up" and will never be reassigned. The arsenal dwarf will refill bolt groups as new bolts are made. Turn on forbid used ammo or else your bolt groups will get filled with recycled single bolts, and your hunters will go out hunting with 2 bolts. Hunters seem to ignore the bolt group stack sizes after they get refilled a few times. I had it set to 100 but they would only pick up one stack at a time most of the time, though they had 100 bolts at a time before. The hunter should have a quiver and a crossbow. Once the bolt groups are filled (bolts will be listed in the rightmost panel) - pause and disable the hunting labor on your hunter, then unpause briefly, once the hunter is heading to the weapon stockpile to drop off their weapon, pause again and re-enable hunting. The hunter should drop their crossbow off in the weapon stockpile, pick it back up again, and then go get some bolts and go hunting. Each time they run out of ammo, repeat this last step. Bolts purchased from a caravan, and bolts that belonged to a deleted bolt group, will never be reassigned by the arsenal dwarf. Consider them useless for hunting. |
(0009686) hyndis (reporter) 2010-07-06 08:40 |
Its easy to get hunters hunting, its just that you need to toggle the hunting skill to get them to reload. Its that toggling of the hunting skill that pretty much breaks hunting. |
(0009715) Toady One (administrator) 2010-07-07 05:49 |
I made some changes that should get them to pick up ammo more reliably when they run out. Took the arsenal dwarf out behind the woodshed. He won't be back until he is decides to be more useful to society. I also threw a few quivers on the default embark pile and made sure wooden bolts have a chance to get the job done. Returning kills should be more reliably now, though it probably still has a few issues if the hunter is distracted by other prey *and* doesn't get kill credit. |
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Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2010-04-01 19:22 | Shenanigans | New Issue | |
2010-04-01 19:47 | Arnos | Note Added: 0000080 | |
2010-04-01 19:50 | Arnos | Issue Monitored: Arnos | |
2010-04-01 20:53 | aepurniet | Note Added: 0000086 | |
2010-04-02 06:28 | Todestool | Tag Attached: hunting | |
2010-04-02 10:29 | muckypup | Note Added: 0000226 | |
2010-04-03 10:05 | Arnos | Note Added: 0000568 | |
2010-04-03 18:25 | ercdvs | Note Added: 0000737 | |
2010-04-04 09:32 | namer4 | Note Added: 0000876 | |
2010-04-05 07:20 | m0nster | Issue Monitored: m0nster | |
2010-04-07 10:35 | Asmodeous | Note Added: 0001787 | |
2010-04-12 11:03 | Fanghorn | Issue Monitored: Fanghorn | |
2010-04-12 17:03 | barconis | Note Added: 0003156 | |
2010-04-12 17:06 | barconis | Note Edited: 0003156 | View Revisions |
2010-04-14 10:52 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | parent of 0001151 |
2010-04-15 09:41 | Jinalealia | Issue Monitored: Jinalealia | |
2010-04-18 22:01 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | parent of 0001318 |
2010-04-22 00:15 | Footkerchief | Note Added: 0004548 | |
2010-04-22 00:16 | Footkerchief | Issue Monitored: Footkerchief | |
2010-04-22 10:20 | Decoil | Note Added: 0004610 | |
2010-04-22 10:21 | Decoil | Note Edited: 0004610 | View Revisions |
2010-04-24 06:45 | Conti | Issue Monitored: Conti | |
2010-04-25 18:03 | hyndis | Note Added: 0005062 | |
2010-04-25 20:18 | barconis | Note Added: 0005071 | |
2010-04-27 13:59 | Echo_3 | Note Added: 0005394 | |
2010-04-27 14:05 | Echo_3 | Note Edited: 0005394 | View Revisions |
2010-04-27 22:01 | Vastin | Note Added: 0005470 | |
2010-04-27 23:08 | derigo | Note Added: 0005478 | |
2010-04-28 13:59 | Footkerchief | Category | General => Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Hunting |
2010-04-29 09:07 | bugbugger | Issue Monitored: bugbugger | |
2010-04-29 09:07 | bugbugger | Issue End Monitor: bugbugger | |
2010-06-12 13:01 | Footkerchief | Note Added: 0008212 | |
2010-06-12 13:02 | Footkerchief | Relationship replaced | has duplicate 0001151 |
2010-06-15 06:52 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | related to 0000361 |
2010-06-16 11:39 | d64 | Note Added: 0008561 | |
2010-06-26 03:52 | Brillig | Note Added: 0009118 | |
2010-06-26 03:53 | Brillig | Note Edited: 0009118 | View Revisions |
2010-06-26 03:55 | Brillig | Note Edited: 0009118 | View Revisions |
2010-07-03 15:16 | eerr | Note Added: 0009592 | |
2010-07-05 07:04 | xrogaan | Issue Monitored: xrogaan | |
2010-07-05 22:36 | Beeskee | Note Added: 0009671 | |
2010-07-05 22:37 | Beeskee | Note Edited: 0009671 | View Revisions |
2010-07-05 22:39 | Beeskee | Note Edited: 0009671 | View Revisions |
2010-07-05 22:39 | Beeskee | Note Edited: 0009671 | View Revisions |
2010-07-06 08:40 | hyndis | Note Added: 0009686 | |
2010-07-06 12:18 | Beeskee | Issue Monitored: Beeskee | |
2010-07-07 05:49 | Toady One | Note Added: 0009715 | |
2010-07-07 05:49 | Toady One | Status | new => resolved |
2010-07-07 05:49 | Toady One | Fixed in Version | => 0.31.09 |
2010-07-07 05:49 | Toady One | Resolution | open => fixed |
2010-07-07 05:49 | Toady One | Assigned To | => Toady One |
2010-07-07 07:53 | Conti | Issue End Monitor: Conti | |
2010-08-01 15:24 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | related to 0002918 |
2010-08-03 12:11 | Beeskee | Issue End Monitor: Beeskee |
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